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eternal word

television Network

The Irondale, Alabama campus of the Eternal Word Television Network expanded over time from a simple Poor Claire Monastery to a Catholic international television and radio broadcasting network entering the lives of many people across the world. As the network expanded under the loving touch of Mother Angelica, the Irondale facilities were expanded in incremental proportions. 


As technology improved and space allocations were re-evaluated accordingly, EWTN enlisted Designform to help analyze the best use of building facilities to meet their current needs. Many areas were determined obsolete and required re-purposing. The most prevalent need was to provide a more appropriate space for the Viewer Services Group, EWTN's direct link to their viewing and listening public.


Designform worked with EWTN to re-purpose the now obsolete printing and mail service area into the new office environment for Viewer Services, Mission Advancements, Accounting, and Human Resources.


Careful consideration was required in the design process to integrate the program requirements within the existing construction, which consisted of different types of structures built over the years and adjoining one another. The resulting environment is one of homogeneity, blending warm wood accents with a carefully coordinated furnishings and lighting scheme to provide a productive work environment of a timeless nature.



1500 Urban Center Drive

Suite, 220 

Vestavia Hills, AL 35242




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